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About the ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æAlmanac

For decades, the media, Congress, Federal administrators and employees, and the wider public have referred to the ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æAlmanac, a reliable source of information about the ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æ (NIH), the Federal government’s principal medical research agency.
Updated annually, the Almanac offers information about NIH's budget, leadership, legislative chronology, and much more, including facts about the research programs and activities of the agency's 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs). This information spans the agency's history, from President Hoover's signing into law of the Ransdell Act (P.L. 71-251) — which transformed the Public Health Service Hygienic Laboratory into the ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æ— to the addition of critical, contemporary research imperatives, such as biodefense and biosecurity. As Senator Ransdell said in 1931, the early planners of the ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æ"saw with clear eyes the possibilities of the National Institute of Health for preventing and curing disease with its awful train of suffering and colossal economic losses to the world."1 ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æhas grown to its preeminent status as the largest source of funding for medical research in the world. Thanks in large part to NIH-funded medical research, Americans today continue to enjoy longer and healthier lives.
Over 83 percent of NIH's $39.2 billion FY 2019 final budget allocation went to more than 300,000 research personnel at over 3,000 universities, medical schools, and other research institutions in every state and throughout the world. While most ICs receive direct appropriations from the U.S. Congress, from which they award research grants and support scientific programs, non-research funding ICs — located on the agency's campus in Bethesda, Maryland — include the ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æClinical Center, the agency's combined research hospital and laboratory complex; the Center for Scientific Review, which supports the scientific review of grant applications; and the Center for Information Technology, which provides, coordinates, and manages information technology for the NIH.
Additional information about ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æresearch funding can be found by visiting the website. RePORT allows users to obtain ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æfunding information arranged by health disorder or condition, year, IC, state, Congressional district, funding mechanism, or other category. In addition, the website features the agency's searchable history archives.
The ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æAlmanac is compiled and edited by the Office of Communications and Public Liaison,
If you have questions about past issues of the ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æAlmanac, or you need more information about the history of NIH's programs and activities, please contact the Office of ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æHistory at
The Office of ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æHistory works with all ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æcomponents to foster documentation, preservation, and interpretation of the history of the ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æ.
1Radiology, May 1932 Radiology, 18, 942-947. From a presentation before the Radiological Society of North America at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting, at St. Louis, Nov. 30–Dec. 4, 1931.
This page last reviewed on February 20, 2020