
ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æpolicy ensures that women are included in research to advance health research for all.

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ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æworks to turn scientific discoveries into better health for all. As the largest public funder of biomedical and behavioral research in the world, ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æis the driving force behind decades of advances that improve health,Ìýrevolutionize science, and serve society more broadly.

Evidence of the varied, long-term impacts of ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æactivities comes from a variety of sources, ranging from studies on specific health topics, to broader analyses of ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æas a whole. Explore the sections below to discover more about how ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æprovides value for the public’s investment.

Composite graphic of health-focused imagery, with four groups of people in each of the four corners of the image surrounding a heartbeat monitor.

Improving Health

Discoveries emerging from NIH-supported research have led to new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat illness, ultimately improving the health of the nation and the world.

Composite graphic of biomedical research imagery. This includes a brain, molecular and cellular structures, binary code, a petri dish, and scientists in lab coats with test tubes.

Revolutionizing Science

ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æfuels the biomedical research enterprise—cultivating world-class scientists and catalyzing new scientific fields, tools, and resources that have changed how science is done.

Composite graphic of imagery representing society. This includes a crowd of people in the center, surrounded by images of a stock ticker, percentages, arrows and graphs.

Serving Society

NIH-supported research leads to improvements in health that can bolster the economy, improve productivity, and reduce the costly burden of illness. ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æfunding also supports jobs and innovations that advance the biotechnology sector.

Our Stories

The knowledge produced by NIH-supported research can take many years and pass through many stages on its pathway toward improving health. Explore stories of how ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æhas contributed to successful health interventions, and how these interventions have made a difference in our lives.

Learn More About NIH

  • Research Matters — weekly update of recent ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æresearch highlights
  • — reports, data, and analyses of ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æresearch activities
  • ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æClinical Trials — overview of NIH-funded clinical trials and how you can participate
  • Celebration of Science: ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æHighlights — spotlighting remarkable advances from NIH-supported scientists
  • ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æHome Page — learn how ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æand its 27 institutes and centers work
  • — The Director discusses new discoveries and latest trends in biomedical research and medicine
  • — bimonthly ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°ænewsletter that showcases the scientific research conducted at the NIH
  • — biweekly ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°ænewsletter that covers issues of significance to ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æstaff, contractors, and trainees
  • — discover the scientific, legislative, and social history of the ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æ

ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æResearch News