IC Directors’ Meeting Highlights — July 10, 2014


Dr. Collins provided an update of new ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æprocedures for select agents, and gave and overview of the Heads of International Research Organizations (HIRO) and the Global Alliance of Chronic Diseases (GACD) meetings. Dr. Collins also provided an overview of the upcoming hearings and meetings with Congressional members.

Physician Data Query (PDQ) Database: Barry Kramer, Richard Manrow, Margaret Beckwith

Drs. Kramer, Manrow, and Beckwith (NCI) provided the background for the development of PDQ, as well as information on the editorial boards and an update of progress thus far. The discussion focused on the database’s usage statistics and the mechanisms for recruiting and retaining racial and ethnic minorities.

LGBTI Research Coordinating Committee (RCC) Update: Larry Tabak

Dr. Tabak presented a summary of the recent efforts of the LGBTI RCC, including the recent analysis of the ÌÇÐÄÆƽâ°æLGBTI research portfolio. The development of a strategic plan also was provided. The following conversation centered on the consideration of a supplement for LGBTI research and the need to identify and address research opportunities.

This page last reviewed on August 6, 2015