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Frequently Asked Questions — ECHO Data Analysis Center, RFA-OD-22-022
NOTE: This funding opportunity is now closed.
FAQs 9–10 added October 20, 2022 FAQ 11 added October 27, 2022
1. Is there a recommended Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) for PIs?
The FTEs for the PIs should be commensurate with their effort on the study.
2. Where does the ECHO Cohort Data Platform currently reside and is the Platform transferrable to another system?
The ECHO Cohort Data Platform currently resides at Research Triangle Institute (RTI), and it is transferrable.
3. Will all Cohort Study Sites use the electronic centralized data capture system?
4. What is the DAC’s responsibility for biospecimen data?
- Coordinate with the Laboratory Core to track biospecimen collection and storage; receive biospecimen assay results, including -omics data and metadata; and link assay results to other participant-level data
- Maintain and enhance the ECHO Cohort Data Platform for storing, managing, and curating all collected and derived ECHO Cohort data for research use, including biospecimen tracking system
5. Is the DAC responsible for providing and maintaining statistical software for ECHO Cohort analyses?
6. How soon should DAC implement the central data capture system?
Implement the central data capture system as soon as possible.
7. What data should DAC’s Data Sharing Plan include?
The Data Sharing Plan should include all data collected under the including biospecimen-related data and bioassay data that are approved by the Steering Committee. Be sure to follow NIH’s Data Sharing Policy .
8. Is the intended commitment of “up to $14,500,000 Total Costs in FY 2023 to fund one award” mentioned in the RFA for FY 2023 only, and not the entire 7 years?
Yes. ƽintends to commit up to $14,500,000 Total Costs in FY 2023 to fund one award. Future year amounts will depend on annual appropriations. Application budgets should reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
New FAQs as of October 20, 2022
9. Is there a budget cap in years 2-7? The FOA mentions a total cost cap of $14.5 million only in year 1.
Yes. Assume a total annual cost of $14.5 million for all budget years.
10. Can anyone applying as a Principal Investigator for the ECHO Data Analysis Center also apply to a Cohort Study Site FOA as a Principal Investigator?
No. Persons applying as a Principal Investigator for the Data Analysis Center can apply to an ECHO Cohort Study Site FOA as a Co-Investigator but not as Principal Investigator. Likewise, persons applying as a Principal Investigator for an ECHO Cohort Study Site can apply to the ECHO Data Analysis Center FOA as a Co-Investigator but not as Principal Investigator.
New FAQ as of October 27, 2022
11. Has the application due date changed for RFA-OD-22-022?
No. Due to an initial system error that ƽhas now resolved, the ƽchanged the application due date only for RFA-OD-22-017.
The application due date is still November 21, 2022, for RFA-OD-22-016, RFA-OD-22-018, RFA-OD-22-019, RFA-OD-22-020, RFA-OD-22-021, and RFA-OD-22-022.
This page last reviewed on January 22, 2024